Give and Serve

As followers of Christ, we are called to live generously, supporting church and community.

We do this by serving and giving. If you are looking for a way to serve at HTAC there are many ways to do so, including:

  • Attending weekly services and other small group activities

  • Teaching and assisting with the children’s ministry during services

  • Serving during the Sunday services as a lector, usher, music team, video streaming.

  • Hospitality service after Sunday Services and other events.

  • Helping maintain the building by cleaning the interior, snow removal, maintaining the memorial garden, or other projects

  • Serve in Small groups that include: book studies, fellowship, praying daily office

  • Community Service, such as S.W.A.P with our community partners

  • If you have business skill or trade (e.g., legal, accounting, architectural, auto mechanic) please let us know.

Reach out via email or to someone after Sunday service and ask for more details if you are interested in these or have other ideas about serving in the church.

Our giving is an act of gratitude and response to the many gifts God has given us.
To help support Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Broomfield, here are different
methods to give financially.

Give Online

While checks or giving through your online bank bill payment platform are the preferred giving methods to assist in the church incurring the least amount of fees, we always welcome online gifts. Electronic payments from your checking account or payments via debit or credit card are accepted through our online payment system. To give online, click the button below to submit your gift.

Make checks payable to
Holy Trinity Anglican Church
and mail to:

Holy Trinity Anglican Church
36 Garden Center
Broomfieild, CO 80020-1730

Give by Mail

King Soopers Rewards

Do you shop at King Soopers? You can find Holy Trinity Anglican Church (YG860) at the King Sooper’s website and connect the church to your King Soopers Shoppers Card where they will donate a percentage of purchases to your selected charity. It’s an easy, no cost way to contribute to Holy Trinity!

Estate Planning Considerations

  • Add your favorite charity (like Holy Trinity Anglican Church) as a percentage beneficiary in your Will.

  • Donate appreciated real estate, stocks, and securities to save on taxes (through a donor advised fund)

  • Donate your IRA required minimum distribution (RMD) through a qualified charitable distribution if you are over 70½ years old to exclude up to $108,000 from taxable income